Sunday, September 27, 2009

on this

mushroom pizza
and pepper onion mushroom pizza

two very different pizzas.
trust me.

1 comment:

PHC said...


pizza pizza pizza
i'm typing abt pizza
there is so much pizza
in my skull
i'm not sure
what or where this pizza comes from
i'm not sure abt
how to draw
or why i was so bad at it
as a kid
when it's impossible
to be bad at anything
when you are a kid
why is it
that the schools made me believe
i was bad at drawing
or was it the other kids
or who was it?
or was it the television
the commercials
i was hanging out w/
my cousin's daughter
and she was watching tv w/ us
and this commercial came on
and she was like 'i want that'
and it was fucked up cuz she can barely speak
but she sees commercials
and wants to buy shit
it's fucked up
it's so fucked up
it's so fucked up
that she can barely speak
but wants to buy shit
she wants to work some job
that she hates
so she can buy shit
it's so fucked up
i had some other direction i was going to go in
i can't remember it now
i can't remember
i cannot remember a motherfucking thing
there is a blackness covering my eyes
my boss just walked by
with a bag in his hand
a food bag
my boss isn't fat
but he is unorganized
and he responds to emails like
three weeks after i see them
with irrelevant dumbass bullshit
like i send out an email
and it is ignored
then when it isn't ignored
it is paid attention to
in a useless way
but what do i know
i don't see the whole picture
i almost typed od instead of do
what if i od'd on heroin or something
died all
with cum in my pants
ya man
yabba dabba doo
fucked up poem
i read some book
like bunnicula
like a vampire bunny
the word omen
that's how i learned the word omen
from reading that book
i think i said 'omen'
and asked my mom wtf an omen was
in a dentists office
or a weird dentists office
not like 'my' dentist
but some weird fucking dentist
probs cuz eventually i had to get braces
on my teeth
like a chump
champing at the bit
the bit done champed on gitty gitty goody goo
lot's life
look at all this biblical
sing song
adamantic shit
a beastie boy is dead
on his tombstone it reads
a beastie boy is dead