Thursday, September 10, 2009

Am I the only one who realizes the danger

of talking about
anything you've done or will or plan to?
Of anything created. Of whys.
Not to just anyone! Not to some strange Sarah on the phone for god knows what reason.

I don't have a plan for my life right now. I kind of do, but I don't know how much I can tell the Real Job Police. Cause they probably don't want to hear "I plan to go to grad school to pursue my dream of being a poet"
STAMPED: will-be-leaving, not-dedicated-to-this-job
But people always ask and so I tell them some things. Usually what I think they want to hear. And then if I can't tell what she's wanting, if I can't tell what this job is and how to get it...

I probably should have asked. Asked more and stopped answering the questions about why I chose my college. Where I see myself in 2 or 10 years. I mean, none of my explanations were working. Maybe she was a simpering robot anyway. Maybe one day I will be able to get through an interview without questioning my existence. But maybe I'll become a famous poet recluse. Or even an unknown poet just recluse who picks vegetables all day and roasts some of them and dehydrates the rest.

OH and after talking about my PASSION for WRITING my LOVE of WORDS my DREAM of BECOMING a poet, I was just like
fuck all a that shit.

not really. but maybe really. i mean, who knows?!
I just wanna paint trees and watch shows sometimes! (and pick and put up vegetables)


justin ryan fyfe said...

you dont say

rachelise said...

what do you like to read? do you ever do research? what do you research? what do you write? why haven't you considered moving to omaha? why oregon?

justin ryan fyfe said...

yes, true, jesus, hmmm, space, space

Anonymous said...

What is really hard is when you are 55 and someone asks "where do you see yourself in 10 years?" Retired somehow doesn't seem to be the right answer.

Be true to you, it will all be.....

PHC said...

hard to say hard to say hard to say

did you say it do you mean it when you said it?

all this shit abt

being a poet

like there is no way to be a poet

there is no way

but this job is fucking terror

or something

there is no way