Wednesday, September 23, 2009

and a lot of times

I sound or come off or seem maybe
like I'm putting something down
being sarcastic

I swear it's not true. I don't think I've learned yet how to indicate my sincere interest in and/or love for things. There's an accompanying embarrassment. A verbal blushing.

1 comment:

PHC said...

jesus fucking christ

this is the realest poem ever

a lot of times i swear to god

i mean i used to

i had this thought recently

it was like


this is so fucking hilarious but

it was like

there was this time in my life where i thought

that i should go to confession

like confess my sins or some shit

like think of all the bad shit i've done

and confess that shit

to a priest

i even like wrote a bunch of shit

prob like 10 pages of confession?

i thought about this often

from like 2005-2010

or something like that

which i guess was some of the weirdest years of my life

like i didn't know how exist

so i thought i should go to confession

and that would help

now i think that shit is a waste of time

go for a jog motherfucker

walking is not exercise

don't eat like

assloads of sugar in a sitting


these are the lessons from the mtn top

once i wanted to


what if everyone cared as much abt being healthy

as me and rachael

but i didn't tweet that

but i really wanted to

i swear it's all so hard

to indicate sincere interest and love

it's so fucking embarrassing

to say to someone

i wish you to live forever