Friday, May 23, 2008

so the bro's on vacation (from school). don't know why he couldn't have taken care of the dog, at least for the night. i think my mom wanted me to come up thursday a. because she wanted help packing, and b. she thinks my dad and her might die and wanted to tell me in person where the will is. is this where i get my constant concern about dying? maybe that's why i was always praying they wouldn't die when i was a kid and still praying; maybe she told me about her mom and i thought it would happen to everyone (it will eventually).

i forgot to give the parking pass to cari in my hurry to get out of the office.
i forgot to take that food. again. damnit, maybe i can get in the office when i go back to lincoln TODAYYY.

shit, son. i don't know what to tell you, i think you left the maps behind. i dreamed of a bicycling belly dancer last night and people with saws sawed in half in the mall. a woman walking into my bathroom stall and then getting angry. dreams are strange. you were being strange in my dreams last night. i have to separate myself from that, from the melancholy colors, from their loud mad voices at 4 in the morning.

i want to purchase high-waisted pants because i think they will match a tanktop i've never worn

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