Friday, May 23, 2008


to tell you. man at bike store complimented my shoes.
my bike is fixed and ready to be rusted again. free
lube jobs (don't tell everyone). be selective. mmmm
oh mm. little bit of boredom never hurt anyone where
is the coffee. gertrude stein gertrude stein gertrude stein
rhubarb is susan. puket fish. garam masala purchased
with beer after pants after walking in rain without
an umbrella to umbrella. sadness. need coffee. want.

mmmmmiss or something some absence some over presence
of lackluster of interaction
lackluster of
little to none and of wine.

but mainly missing
the center
(to be centered is to feel
like an actual person why
does that always get taken
from me why
do i give it up where is it)

and what do i want to be when i grow up

1 comment:

carlinthemarlin said...

Dining is West, holla!