Monday, August 17, 2009

A Thing and also Yesterday

I don't know if I would like you!
Just holding that!
Already liking you!
How could I know IF I'd like you!

I woke up at 5:30 to eat a bit then bike the 50 minute bike to work. I forded a stream with my feet (?) and almost crashed from looking at sliver-moon-+-star-friend and the alien landscape too much when a branch was right in the trail right in front of me. Working 12 hours is really not too bad as long as you're alone and can break for snacks/to watch TV on the internet while doing fake jumprope exercises (I was caught once, but so energized we both just laughed and then I blended and charged!).
Yes. My shoes and socks were soaked from the walking through of the swollen man-made creek area. I taped rags to my feet for the first six or seven hours of my shift. I was caught at that as well. Made one woman uneasy, explained to the next one to enter.

I made it home in record time and watched Doubt, which I think to have really enjoyed. Yes. It's a quality film. Definitely feels like a play. The drama, the scenes. There is a lot unsaid, though, not enough unsaid sometimes. So I liked it. I recommend it. But it is not a "love" thing.

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