Tuesday, August 26, 2008

What I forget

that there's something else behind dissatisfaction
in that I don't give up on everything but only
the portions and then do something about it even

it's better than a line of blood on skin
can you believe? can you conquer? sometimes
i wonder about these mechanisms and then
simple physical activity makes my thoughts align

does something
gets rid of that silent screaming
that pin prick that
maybe you know
to what i refer

buying the books made me better.
as well
i want i want i want
and i love you love you/hope you get that
you beautiful something
you person. the protest is unimportant

isn't life a constant cycle of absence and abundance? a cycle of something-s
for sure. shurefine. good name. good fake names good words.

i have some ways i operate.

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