Saturday, July 5, 2008


I don't know how to be ____ I don't know how to be ____ I don't know _________________. Oh fuck. This wine does taste a little like _____

stop leaving and not talking to me.
it makes me sad.
i don't understand how to behave at parties i don't
how to behave how to
where are you and what of my emails? (email). ridiculous. pointless.
everyone smoking and me not but me out there with everyone smoking.

i can taste it on your tongue.

paula dean (????) <
fuck baby.
fucking stop making me feel
as if to cry as if to not
attempt. i miss it -
all the hangings out.

i miss the things i used to think mattered, or the thinking that mattered.

if i can grow my nails long, how much longer till i poem it?

and again.
fuck baby...

1 comment:

rachelise said...

i realize this seems to refer all back to eric but it doesn't.