Sunday, November 28, 2010

1. re: horkin' it up - hasn't in awhile! knock on wood. knock on all wooden objects!!
2. tell m that meeting with the counselor as mediator is a yes probably a yes.
3. i need that hat anyway.
4. i think last time i was in the building was switching my meds, or upping them because i was home for the holidaze. and we had a joint session there at some point.
5. almost told you to medicate yourself.
6. almost told you just don't talk to me anymore. cut contact if you're gonna cut contact. just quit FUCKIN' HASSLIN' MEEE
7. seriously.
8. maybe next time i'll have a formal dinner party, and/or get a skinnier table, so there's room to move from table to other rooms.
9. landlords inserted our storms today. i mean husband, wife, and son. and the son was not too keen to be there. i could relate. but also, if i ever talked like that to my mom SHE WOULD SUGGEST A JOINT COUNSELING SESSION

1 comment:

Steve said...

hasslin like husslin one letter off and erry day i try to be husslin. ill punch someone for you im in that kinda mood school does that to people i hear