Wednesday, December 3, 2008

comments stolen from "lindsay lohan's myspace blog"

Lesbianism and Homosexual ity is Foul and Nasty, and Completely out of the WILL of God. Yes, most People know this and Still decide to Live their Lives like Christ is not real and his Promises will not come to past. It's a Certain way you Address it though or it will be Ill received. I am really praying for Lindsay Lohan, and all those Lost Souls in Hollywood. It's Sad. People are so lost and Everything that the Bible has said in Revelation s is Coming to Past, and Most of it already has. PEOPLE, We did not get here by some Random Higher Power. His name is JESUS and His Promises are REAL. Stop Playing With God. Heaven is Real. Hell is Real, and When God said (Thou Shalt Not Lye with another Woman if you are a Woman and Vice Versa. He really meant it. It's a Commandmen t, Not a Choice. I know that Some People are going to Have their Negative Stuff to Say, but That's your Soul. I'll be Praying for you. God Bless!
- blackhairgirl

Nasty, skanky, confused, chemically addicted lesbians. Disgusting . Let me break something down for you there chic..... She is not a man. She just wants to be one. And she probably hates them all at the same time.
I'm going to design a line of clothing for women who hate men, who envy men, who like women... Where to start...

you know you miss the cock. you KNOW you do. don't deny it. sorry, but Sam can't fulfill your "cock " ere's nothing like the real thing! lol. you're going to go back to men soon enough. it's a phase Linds, just a phase.

YAY! Now all I need is for Natalie Portman to say shes gay :) MMM

wtf lesibian ass
get straight no one wants some fag celebrity on MTV
fuckin fag

Ok, my girls and I have been a fan of your's since watching the re-make of parent trap. But upon learning that you are lesbian and you are flaunting it like crazy, I am no longer a fan nor will I allow my children to watch anything of your's. Why was this something that the world needed to know about you. Can't you celeb's keep your personal life, personal.. ..??? Maybe too many people must know but you celebs need to learn how to keep things personal.
-needs to learn how to use apostrophes

Homosexual ity sucks!!
Sickening! !
You people are nasty!!
God is against it and so am I!!!
Why is it always the pretty people that want to be a homo?
ugh its sickening
- may actually be a lesbian (secretly)


k said...

I hate Lindsay Lohan. Not because she's apparently a lesbian, but rather, because she is fucking lame.

rachelise said...

kyle is fucking lame because he's not a lesbian.
she is bisexual, i think :)