Thursday, October 2, 2008

From Planned Parenthood's Website:

"The risk of death from childbirth is 11 times greater than the risk of death from an abortion procedure during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy."

So, who's life are you for Sarah Palin? You would "counsel life" for a 15 year old pregnant through rape by her father...counsel for which life?

I'm consistently frustrated with how much influence a little speck of a fetus can have over people. And I know this is just hypothetical (the question asked); but if you're going to offend me I wish you would at least defend yourself with more than sputtering, meaningless rhetoric. You disgust me.


k said...

I saw an abortion protest taking place in Lincoln at a Planned Parenthood on South St. It must have been a pretty uneventful protest as there was absolutely no talking. A silent protest? But really, the signs do all their talking I suppose. "Abortions Kill Babies!" Well yeah...and?

I'm not pro life or pro choice or anything, but I am leaning toward pro abortion. My god there are some stupid people in the world.

rachelise said...

i vacillate between pro choice and pro abortion

pro life is just a misnomer