Saturday, March 21, 2009

Her Hat

resembles a funeral,
would be worn
in a mortuary.

Setting. The lines.
Drag these out. She
stabs, stabbing--


She's a bird. And dripping. She's
labeled and dropped. Then
the patting.


Anonymous said...

why do you go from capitalz to noncapz? in the stnzaz.?



Anonymous said...

I don't.

Anonymous said...

well kind of. i mean first stanza, not title included is all lowercase and then second you have capitalized lines and then third you dont and fourth you do.

did i miss something

-paul clark

rachelise said...

Um the title is part of the first stanza and the huuuuuh uh's aren't capped cause they aren't capped.
there's really no specific reason. maybe it's cause i don't like them and want to remove them.

rachelise said...

or bc they're the best part of the poem.

rachelise said...

lol lol lol